Buyer FAQ

Order and Delivery:

What is the estimated delivery time for my order?

We offer same-day and next-day delivery options for your convenience.

Can I track the delivery status of my order?

Yes, you will receive a tracking number to monitor your order’s delivery status online.

Are there any delivery charges for my order?

Delivery charges may apply based on the delivery location and order size. Please refer to our shipping policy for details.

What happens if I’m not available to receive my delivery?

Our delivery partner will attempt delivery at least once. If you’re unavailable, they will leave a notification for rescheduling or pickup.

Can I schedule a specific delivery time for my order?

While specific delivery times cannot be guaranteed, you can provide delivery instructions during checkout, and we’ll do our best to accommodate them.

Product Quality and Returns:

What should I do if there are any issues with the quality of my meat products?

Please contact our customer service team with details and photos of any quality concerns for assistance.

Can I return items if they are damaged or incorrect?

Yes, you can return damaged or incorrect items within 14 days of delivery. Please review our return policy for instructions.

Is there a restocking fee for returned items?

No, we do not charge a restocking fee for returned items. Your satisfaction is our priority.

Can I cancel my order after it has been placed?

Unfortunately, orders cannot be canceled once they have been processed for shipment. Please review your order carefully before completing the purchase.

Are there any restrictions on the quantity of items I can order?

No, you can order any quantity of items based on availability.

Packaging and Delivery:

How are the meat products packaged to ensure freshness during transit?

We ensure proper packaging and handling to maintain the freshness and quality of your meat products during transit.

Can I request special packaging for my order, such as gift wrapping?

Yes, you can request special packaging instructions during checkout, and we’ll do our best to accommodate your preferences.

What should I do if the packaging of my order appears to be damaged upon delivery?

Please inspect the packaging upon delivery and contact our customer service team immediately if you notice any damage. We’ll work with you to resolve the issue promptly.

Are the packaging materials recyclable or environmentally friendly?

We strive to use recyclable and environmentally friendly packaging materials whenever possible to minimize our environmental impact.

Can I track the delivery status of my order?

Yes, you will receive a tracking number once your order has been shipped, allowing you to track its delivery status online.

Product Selection and Assistance:

How can I find specific meat products or cuisine options on the website?

Are there any recommendations for dishes to pair with the meat products?

Are there any recommendations for dishes to pair with the meat products?

Yes, we provide suggestions for Arabian, African, and Indo-Pak culinary delights based on the meat product type, helping you explore new flavors and recipes.

Can I get assistance in selecting the right meat products for my dietary preferences?

Absolutely! Our customer service team is available to assist you in choosing the perfect meat products that meet your dietary preferences and requirements.

Is there a wide variety of meat options available on the website?

Yes, we offer a diverse selection of halal meat products, ranging from lamb and beef to chicken and goat, to cater to various tastes and preferences.

Can I customize my order based on specific preferences or requirements?

Certainly! You can customize your order by selecting meat products, quantities, and other preferences to suit your specific needs.

Payment and Checkout:

What payment methods are accepted on the website?

We accept major credit/debit cards, as well as other secure payment methods, to ensure a convenient checkout experience.

Is my payment information secure on the website?

Yes, we prioritize the security of your payment information and employ industry-standard encryption and security measures to protect your data.

Can I review my order before completing the purchase?

Yes, you can review your order details, including meat products, quantities, and total price, before proceeding to checkout.

Are there any additional fees or charges added to the total price during checkout?

No, we strive to maintain transparency in pricing, and the total price displayed during checkout includes all applicable taxes and fees.

Can I save my payment information for future orders?

For security reasons, we do not store payment information. You will need to enter your payment details for each transaction to ensure security and confidentiality.